A Handwritten Bible of an Apocalypse

I re-started some notes. I’m surprised he isn’t dead after everything they did to him.

I had a nightmare around two years ago.  In this dream, I beaten and arrested over something trivial.  Nothing this depraved has ever actually happened to me.  Situations close enough to it have occurred.  The police did not join in the festivities, but they did nothing to stop them.

Two years ago, that nightmare inspired my first vision of this Apocalypse.  That bad dream would not only inspire a lot of notes for a story that never took off but would be a crucial element of this adventurer’s journey.  The only problem was that it was an aimless journey.  I knew what I wanted to say but had no reason to say it through this character or the world built around him.

The time between that first attempt and now has been wonderful in that I have made a lot of great friends.  I have been finding strengths I thought were lost to the worst of times.   Continue reading “A Handwritten Bible of an Apocalypse”